There is a broad consensus in Myanmar that the accelerated development of industries is crucial to becoming an industrialized modern nation.
About MIA

With a view to endeavoring for the development of processing and manufacturing sector, Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar enacted the Private Industrial Law in 1990 and Promotion of Cottage Industries Law in 1991.
Myanmar Industries Association (MIA) was formed under the Myanmar Company Act on 27th April 1993 to promote activities efficiently and effectively with the support of the Government and private agencies.
It is self-funded, non-profit making organization and as such, it is truly private independent body representing the entire scope of trade, services and industries in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Myanmar Industries Association (MIA) was formed under the Myanmar Company Act on 27th April 1993 to promote activities efficiently and effectively with the support of the Government and private agencies.
Industries Advantages
It is self-funded, non-profit making organization and as such, it is truly private independent body representing the entire scope of trade, services and industries in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Myanmar Industries Association
To promote, represent and safeguard the interests of the Myanmar Industries and Business Community.
Main Activities
To implement the main objectives, Myanmar Indus- tries Association involves itself in the following activities and provision of services:
Co-operate with law experts in constructing Foreign Direct Investment Law, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Law, Industrial Policy and Investment law.
Organizing and arranging business matching, business opportunities networking between local and foreign enterprises.

Latest News
How MIA can help
- Infrastructure and other facilities such as availability of industrial land, electricity and utilities.
- Current status of industries and opportunities in different sectors.
- Marketing aspects and facilitation of projects.
- Disseminate foreign trade information through MIA Newsletters and Trade Enquiry Bulletins.
Get in Touch
Contact Info
No.29, UMFCCI Building 6th floor, Min Ye KyawSwar Street, Lamadaw Township, Yangon , Myanmar.
95-9-421 155 817
Fax: 95-1-2314 832